Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the fatherless's cause; plead the widow's case.
Something unexpected happened—something powerful. Early on, I realized they were teaching me far more than I could ever offer them.
I’ve noticed something interesting: when I am kind to people, they often respond with kindness in return.
One act of love ripples outward, changing lives.
The U.S. government’s recent decision to halt all foreign aid has left millions of children in war zones at even greater risk.
Every day, thousands—if not millions—make a choice: We will fight. They fight their own attitudes first.
Our partners in Ukraine are the real heroes.
The first trash bin I got to was barely standing, its legs peppered with shrapnel holes.
These children have had to grow up much faster than you or I.
When I asked a group of boys aged eight to twelve what made them sad, I did not expect their answers.
Picture yourself welcomed to like a superstar that everybody is excited to meet.
Little things make big things happen
Few of us remember a childhood moment when an adult concentrated on us and our experiences in this way.
The Yazidi have survived 74 genocides. We want to make sure another one never happen.
Julie reflects on what it means to be in this together
Mary Beth was looking for ways to get involved
The fathers of these children are away fighting or have been killed defending their land against the Russian army.
Hanna is from Kharkiv. Last week, she went back to her war-torn home.
When evil-doing comes like falling rain, nobody calls out, ‘Stop!’
Last month, my wife Hanna and I moved to a city called Ivano Frankivsk in western Ukraine after working with Novi for the previous two years
Yesterday there were five nationwide air raid alarms in Ukraine. Five times children all over the country had to go into hiding.
Every year in December, many of us encounter Charles Dickens' Ebenezer Scrooge
I recently met Valeria in Kyiv and want to tell you about her. Her story illustrates the weight of the burden of war carried by Ukraine’s...
Sasha, a six-year-old boy in Kherson, Ukraine, smiled the day he played with a Life Kit
At times I find myself comparing the world in its current state to a house where every room is so cluttered, dirty and out of order.
”Here in Donetsk people die every day,” says Nikita. He will take us to a town not far from where the Russian soldiers are shooting their...
“I think they are depressed and very sad,” our Ukrainian staff member, Sasha, recently told us about some of the families who are living ...
Why should we care about the children suffering in war and conflict? Because we are all in this together ....
Where there are walls, the windows are broken. The apocalyptic world left for her is not a place a child should have to live in ...
You might find it hard to imagine: a nine-year old girl whose alcoholic mother is not able to properly care for her, nor her infant ...
The children in this photo were happy when I met them last month. Now they are freezing cold, huddling in the dark, without sustainable ...
Alex* is from eastern Ukraine. He has been learning English online over the last two years, and chats with friends all over the world. “I...
It is our opinion that now is the most important time to be here, not to leave. Now is when the children of the war in Ukraine need us most.
How can he sleep at night, knowing he is responsible for children having to watch atrocities no humans should have to see? How can he eat...
Nikolai and his Pug named Ghena.
I have been home from Ukraine for about a week and a half. This was the first time I have been in a war zone, though not directly on the ...
Helen is a hardworking, broad smiling, church going grandmother. The roof of her house was blown off by Russian artillery on March 13th. ...
We were sitting together in the front of my green sedan when my wife told me the news. “Hi daddy” was written right there on her belly ...
This is a story I will never forget. I may not meet them again, but the face of the teary-eyed father and his traumatized daughter is ...
I have wondered what it was like for Naw Eva* to watch her father being burned to death in a village in Myanmar when she was two years ...
Reflection on innocence, curiosity, wonder, trauma, and the Novi imperative to help children caught in the chaos of war.
After 28 years of working to help families and their children survive the chaos of war, we started a new organization, still focusing on ...
The Karen people of Myanmar wear one of the best illustrations I know of belonging and community. Their traditional outfits have long ...
You may remember the story of Yulia*, one of the first children to attend Novi’s play therapy events in October. Oddny Gumaer wrote her ...