More than ever...

Children in war-torn communities  need your help to survive and thrive

250 million

Children between 5 and 17 years old  living in countries affected by conflict or disaster who are not in school


7.1 million

Ukrainian Children in need of humanitarian aid.


36.5 million

Children displaced from their homes as a result of conflict, violence and other crises


1.4 million

People who have been displaced by conflict in Myanmar - including 520,000 children

Our Mission: Restoring childhoods disrupted by war

More than  450 million children are living in war zones and conflict affected places today.

Towards a Brighter Future

Novi is a lifeline for children and youth trapped in regions of armed conflict, offering not just relief, but hope and skills for a brighter future.

Restoring What Conflict Steals

Through trauma-informed programs, Novi empowers young people and caregivers, provides nourishing meals, and restores the sense of love and agency conflict steals.

Novi Reconnects, Supports, and Empowers

In the chaos of violence, where young lives are fractured and isolated, Novi reconnects, heals, and uplifts. Supported by care and compassion, these children don’t just survive —they learn, grow, and rediscover joy. Novi equips them to rebuild their futures and restore their communities.

Our Mission: Restoring childhoods disrupted by war

More than  450 million children are living in war zones and conflict affected places today.


Children are our future

We can’t prevent war and conflict, but we can help children and families cope with extreme stress by providing knowledge, skills and practical support.

Our interventions are skill oriented

We work with parents and caregivers, teachers, social workers and health professionals to strengthen their competencies to meet the needs of children and youth affected by war.

We work so that they can thrive

We do this so that they can survive and thrive even though adverse experiences have impacted their lives. War doesn’t have to be the end of their story.

our methods

Here’s how we help them


We provide specialized training and tools to Volunteers, social workers, teachers, therapists, and others who work with children in war torn communities and high-stress environments.



We provide practical skills-based education. We also hold seminars to train teachers in trauma-informed care (TIC) to increase children's ability to benefit from education.



Where children go hungry in conflict affected areas, we help provide nutritious food to them and their families. Children who are living high stress environments and experiencing malnutrition are at a higher risk of developing long-term post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and enduring permanent brain damage. By focusing on their specific nutritional requirements, we seek to mitigate the long-term impacts of malnutrition and prevent cognitive impairments that could hinder their future potential.



We organize events, sports, theater, and meetings to promote community and family cohesiveness and use trauma-sensitive approaches to promote understanding, care, and interdependence.



We provide specialized training and tools to Volunteers, social workers, teachers, therapists, and others who work with children in war torn communities and high-stress environments.



Where schools are destroyed or damaged, we repair or build them. We also hold seminars to train teachers in trauma-informed care (TIC) to increase children's ability to benefit from education. TIC is built on three pillars: Relationship/Presence, Safety, and Affect-Regulation, and training is based on neurobiology and focuses on helping children cope with emotional dysregulation.



Where children go hungry in conflict affected areas, we help provide nutritious food to them and their families. Children who are living high stress environments and experiencing malnutrition are at a higher risk of developing long-term post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and enduring permanent brain damage. By focusing on their specific nutritional requirements, we seek to mitigate the long-term impacts of malnutrition and prevent cognitive impairments that could hinder their future potential.



We organize events, sports, theater, and meetings to promote community and family cohesiveness and use trauma-sensitive approaches to promote understanding, care, and interdependence.


All Novi interventions are based on regional needs and are initiated through local professionals and caregivers. We cooperate with community organizations and institutions. We obligate ourselves to the highest ethical standards.


Even though our workplace is where war and conflict are active, every effort is taken to secure safe and comfortable venues so that both adults and children feel secure as they engage in learning and regulating activities.


Our trainers are qualified and credentialed. Psychologists, social workers, and relevant practitioners develop and implement all Novi programs.


maryna, 9 Years

She lives in the rubble left after the Russian Army has rolled through her village, destroying what they can. The rumble of explosions can be heard close by. Another missile fired. Another bomb exploded. The sound of explosions is so common she doesn’t flicker. Next time the missile might hit closer. Maybe it will hit her. The missiles fired often hit children. They care not that they kill the innocents. She looks at me and her entire being says to me: “I am here. What are you going to do about it?”

Novi is dedicated to helping children like Maryna, who we met in a formerly Russian occupied city in 2023.


yulia, 8 Years

The floors of her home are littered with trash, the uninsulated windows have let the cold inside the room, the smell is not of home-cooking, but of soiled diapers, unwashed dishes, blankets reeking of mildew and empty liquor bottles. Adding to this sad picture, is the sound of constant air sirens, the blaring alarm that penetrates sleep and shatters any kind of quiet.The Russian enemy is close, the alarm screams. Go into hiding!

Yulia felt scared, cold and hungry. But there was light. Yulia was found by our partners who invited her in to a community center supported by Novi. Here was a welcoming place run by motivated and caring adults who fed her, listened to her and introduced her to other children. Yulia feels warm when she is at the community center. This is not just because the generator runs, warming the place. It is also because she feels safe and loved.


denys, 10 Years

He comes running towards us, embraces us and said he has missed us. He speaks almost fluent English and wants to show us his latest accomplishment on the computer game he has been playing. Ten-year-old Denys lives in a temporary shelter close to Kyiv. Here he lives with his mom, his little sister and about 70 other refugees in temporary housing. The days are dull. The space is crammed. The food they eat is bland. Denys struggles with depression says our staff member who goes to visit him as often as he can. He misses his friends, his home, his school, and the freedom he had to move around outside.

A bomb exploded close to Denys’ home in the East of Ukraine. The shrapnel flew close to his head. It was after hiding in their basement for a week that his mother decided she needed to take the children to a safer place, away from the bombs. Denys feels happy when he can play with others. He comes alive when Novi staff spend time with him and he engages in the activities of emotional regulation he’s learning to employ.


petro, 12 Years

The other children try to ignore him, but he won’t let them. His voice is forceful, just like his large body. He is 12, restless and loud. If the other kids are playing well, his tendency is to disrupt them, push, destroy or take their toys. He is an orphan, living with 60 other children in an orphanage. Since coming here, he has learned that the only way to get attention is to be a rowdy bully. So, he is often alone. The other children don’t want to play with him. He makes the caregivers exasperated.

But inside the rough exterior is a soft and kind little boy who just wants to be loved and accepted. When Novi staff approaches him with kind and patient words, he softens. Soon he wants to hold hands. Stand close, show his phone, his silly drawing and how he can do a somersault. He sits with one of the adults who have been trained in trauma and stress intervention. Between them is a bag of toys. He empties the bag and through the toys he tells her his story. It is a sad story, but hopeful too, because as he tells it, he learns to regulate and reconcile with his strong emotions.


Our team members are experts with three decades of experience helping  children and families in war-torn communities.

Novi is a non profit organization dedicated to restoring childhoods disrupted by war. Our goal is that children are healthy, learning, and engaging in friendships within their communities.

Our commitment is to support and nurture children most affected by war and conflict. We work closely with local leaders and professionals to provide critical services and support to vulnerable communities in a wide range of settings.

“Novi is a Latin adjective that means "new." War may destroy countless things, but we believe that children are capable of building new and beautiful futures with our support. The Novi community is a team that stands together to help them survive and thrive.”

Oddny Gumaer
Novi Founder


Our team members are experts with three decades of experience helping  children and families in war-torn communities.


Novi is a non profit organization dedicated to restoring childhoods disrupted by war. Our goal is that children are healthy, learning, and engaging in friendships within their communities.

Our commitment is to support and nurture children most affected by war and conflict. We work closely with local leaders and professionals to provide critical services and support to vulnerable communities in a wide range of settings.

“Novi is a Latin adjective that means "new." War may destroy countless things, but we believe that children are capable of building new and beautiful futures with our support. The Novi community is a team that stands together to help them survive and thrive.”


Oddny Gumaer

Novi Founder


Are my donations tax deductible?

Yes. Novi is a registered 501(c)3 public charity. All donations are tax deductible for American taxpayers.

How much of my donation is used for administrative expenses?

Currently 93% of all donations go directly to programs and 7% is spent on administrative expenses and fundraising.

What does Novi mean?

Novi is a Latin adjective that means "new." War may destroy countless things, and we believe that with appropriate support, children in war-torn communities are capable of building new and beautiful futures. Helping to nurture new life out of war is what we do.
